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From elderly care to angel care | Care Service Co.,Ltd logo logo


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  • Message from the Chairman and President

Message from the Chairman and President

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Compassion with every customer’s dignity

photo:FUKUHARA Toshio and FUKUHARA Toshiharu

We started as a business offering disinfection of futon bedding for the bedridden elderly in 1970. Since then we have expanded our geriatric care business, mainly around Tokyo, including visiting bathing service, day services and home visite care services.

We also undertake the preparation for the funeral, with a series of activities including a ‘yukan’ ritual, dressing and funeral cosmetology. We named the service ‘Angel Care’ and positioned it as the ‘terminus ad quem’ of elderly care, helping the family to bid a dignified last farewell to their loved one.

Our society is an aggregation of each and every family. And every member of a family has an individual life. In this ageing society, the roles and the social responsibility of the elderly care service will continue to grow. Better today than yesterday and even better tomorrow, what we can do to help create a better society is to support our clients and their families with empathy and compassion, respecting everybody’s wishes and ensuring dignity. However small they may be, I strongly believe the accumulation of such small steps will work for the better in society.

I sincerely appreciate your continuous understanding and further support.

Chairman of the Board


President and CEO

FUKUHARA Toshiharu


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