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  • Rental and Sales of Assistive Equipment

Rental and Sales of Assistive Equipment

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We help with everything regarding assistive equipment


Rental and sales of assistive equipment

When using the Long-term Care Insurance, assistive equipment such as wheelchairs and special beds can be rented paying only 10% to 20% of the usual rental price. In case of buying one, 80% to 90% of the cost may be provided under the Long-term Care Insurance up to a ceiling of 100,000 yen per year. We sell assistive and medical equipment to nursing care facilities, hospitals and other public facilities.

We also undertake home renovation for the elderly

In case of carrying out home renovation under the Long-term Care Insurance, only 10% to 20% of the cost will be payable up to a ceiling of 200,000 yen.Please talk to us. We are happy to help.


Speedy delivery

The equipment will be delivered the same day or the next day if the order is received in the morning. We provide quick at-home repair if the equipment malfunctions or breaks.

Sales of helpful everyday items

We offer a wide range of goods that are useful for travel and outings.


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