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  • In-home Care Support (creating an individual care plan)

In-home Care Support (creating an individual care plan)

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Everything starts by talking to our care manager


What is In-home Care Support?

For those who are qualified for Long-term Care Insurance, we create a care plan tailored to the individual’s best interest, based on their health condition and wishes, as well as the family situation. We also support in selecting, communicating and coordinating with service providers in order to ensure smooth delivery of the service.

What is a Care Manager?


What is Care Plan?

A care plan is an elderly care provision plan created for individual users, based on the individual’s wishes and needs, as well as financial provision and service frequency determined by the individual’s Care Needs Severity Level. A service user can receive care according to a stated plan.

Care Managers at Care Service

Continuous learning with regular meetings and trainings

All our care managers are committed to learning more in order to provide supportive measures as seen from the service users’ point of view, improving their skills and sharing information at regular meetings and trainings including case studies and medical updates. We respond quickly to amendments of laws and regulations as well as to the social and generational needs, honing our expertise to always provide up-to-date useful information to our customers.

Sincere contact with clean and pleasantly presented staff

We understand how distressing it can be to speak openly about one’s problems, and take extra care that a service user can consult us about everything they are worrying about. We try to make our customer as comfortable as possible when they are meeting with us, including, for example, the clothes we wear, which the staff discusses regularly to keep up trustworthy appearances.


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